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Interior Renovations

Renovating your home is a great way to add value and comfort to all of your spaces. One thing we've learned over the years is to expect the unexpected, the older your home is, the more you can expect little surprises along the way.  Planning and consulting with your builder and sub trades is crucial when making the decision to go “all in” on that renovation.  While planning your Reno here are a few things to consider:

1. The Age of your Home - while typically not used in our materials today asbestos was widely used in a variety of building materials from flooring, drywall and insulation, so getting materials tested is a great way to find out if it’s safe to start your demo or to find out if you need a full abatement.

2. The Framing - Older homes typically have stick framed roof systems which require the use of bearing walls so before you knock that wall down for that open concept make sure the proper steps are taken to keep the structural integrity intact.

3. Consultations - Consulting with a structural engineer is often required when taking down a bearing wall or adding to a roof system.  Afterall the walls are what keep our roof from falling.  However, for your more superficial changes you can consult with your builder and design team.

4. Upgrades - Renovating also gives you an opportunity to make any upgrades to your plumbing, electrical and structural components while they are accessible giving you peace of mind.  Whether you’re doing small upgrades or going all in, renovating is a great way to have something new in the neighborhood you love.

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